Category Archives: EU Experts’s Discussion 2013

Kees van der Pijl: Two Forms of Money Capital in the Current Crisis

The current crisis is called ‘financial’ because it originated in the volatile movement of high-risk financial instruments that since the 1980s have come to dominate the Western economies. Upon the collapse in 2007-08 of the house of cards created with ever-more flimsy paper titles, ‘financial crisis’ was therefore an appropriate term for what was happening. More

EU Experts’ Discussion Organisers: Input to a Further Debate

In our “after-workshop-email” we had asked you to participate actively in a common effort of thinking how to make the suggestions of Gabi and Mariana politically more concrete and more efficient: More specifically, how to highlight the solidarity with the socially weakest in European politics, how to achieve a solidarization with the “underclass” and the “marginalized and excluded people”, while fully activated the disenchanted broad middle class, in a common effort of addressing and challenging the present EU institutions. More

Gabi Zimmer: “What Has Changed since the Manifest Beginning of the Global Financial Crisis and the Euro Crisis, with and by the Crisis Management?

– on the question and on the thesis of a new stage of neo-liberal transformation of the EU”.

I shall try to formulate my response as a politician of DIE LINKE and of the European Left. Both are interested in an exchange with intellectuals, in order to improve our common understanding of the present situation. The difficulties, I shall have to face, do begin with a  elementary one: please click here


Judith Dellheim: Working on Strategies against Financialization and Capital Oligarchies

I’m trying to address (and raise) your interest in appropriate approaches for researching into political strategies which at the same time are fully facing the existing reality and looking for possibilities of a political practice working for a society of freedom and equality in a tangible way, a society built on solidarity, while meeting the requirements of ecological sustainability. More


Jan Toporowski: Some Observations on Debt Audit

The starting point for any discussion of a debt audit must be the principle that in a democratic polity all public sector and government income and expenditure, as well as debt, must be audited. Governments and politicians must be held accountable for all their financial as well as political transactions. So too must supposedly independent arms of the government. Please click here